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Content 7


Hi Dose Biotin for MS

High Dose Biotin for Patients | Questions about High Dose Biotin

Chronic Progressive MS and High Dose Biotin


Mark Drugs has been a patient destination for those who are looking for new and sometimes unusual products for many years. Many of those who reach out to us are clinicians and their patients with chronic illnesses that have not responded well to conventional medications or who require special care or dosages that our compounding labs specialize in.
Recently we have been contacted by quite a few patients, their caregivers and clinicians regarding a diagnosis of and treatment for PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. These patients and their practitioners have become interested in using BIOTIN as a result of a RECENTLY PUBLISHED STUDY in the journal: Multiple Sclerosis Related Disorders (2015 Mar;4(2):159-169 - PMID: 25787192). The study reports remarkable success for this patient group using 100-300mg/day for 2-8 months with a strong residual positive result.
As BIOTIN is a nutritional product and is available without a prescription, insurance companies will not pay for this product and it is a very expensive nutritional. Mark Drugs has worked with its' chemical wholesaler to obtain BIOTIN at a greatly reduced rate.
We make a 300mg capsule, recommended by the article to be taken once daily or a 100mg capsule used three times daily.
Mark Drugs is a PCAB Accredited compounding pharmacy that uses only chemicals from FDA approved and registered sources that provide a Certificate of Assay confirming the potency and purity of every chemical lot.
Please contact our staff with any questions or comments or to have us contact your physician with more information.

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